Letter Jackets
Choir students who are heavily involved can earn a letter jacket. Letter jackets can be earned through outstanding involvement, leadership, and participation.

Requirements to Letter in Choir
To earn a letter in choir, a student must earn a total of 100 points. The following activities grant students points.
1 year in Choir: 30 points (full participation, passing every six weeks)
1 year in select chamber choir: 15 points
1 year in Modern Band or Music Theory: 10 points
Participating as a choir officer: 10 points
Solo and ensemble competition: 5 points
Receiving a superior rating (I) on a class 1 solo: 5 additional points
Competing in All State or 9/10 Honor Choir competition: 10 points
Making it to district choir (1st round): 5 additional points
Making it to region choir (2nd round): 5 additional points
Making it to area choir (3rd round): 5 additional points
Making it to all state choir (4th round): 10 additional points