All State & Honor choirs
ALL state
Students interested in additional music experiences may choose to audition for an All-Region
Choir. The 9/10 Honor Choir is only open to freshmen and sophomores, while All-State is open
to 9th - 12th graders. In both competitions, students learn music on their own, using practice
recordings, and audition for a place in one of the regional choirs, which perform each
CONGRATS to the following people for their performance at the All-Region Choir Auditions. Everyone from Townview who auditioned earned a place in a regional honor choir! Here are the results:
All Region Choir
All District Choir
CONGRATS to our Students who made it past the first round!
Soprano 1:
Soprano 2:
Alto 1:
Alto 2:
Tenor 1:
Bass 1:
Bass 2:

All Region Concert at Dallas Baptist University’s Pilgrim Chapel
Official TMEA Website: includes information about all-state auditions as well as all Texas divisions and programs
This is the page for Dallas ISD's region information. Here, there is information about contest dates and locations as well as specific audition and music instructions. There is also information about UIL and Solo & Ensemble.